Otamatea High School
Otamatea High School

Health and Physical Education

Otamatea High School students enjoy access to a wide range of facilities in Physical Education.

We have the use of two fields, a swimming pool which operates in Terms 1 and 4, a sizeable and high quality gymnasium, fitness centre and artificial turf.

The Junior School

In the junior school physical education and health are compulsory three times a week. Hauora, attitudes and values, the socio ecolgical perspective and health promotion  are just a few of the topics that we cover at the junior level through a wide range of activities. Students are required to wear the physical education uniform during lessons. This uniform consists of a shirt in the colour of the student's iwi worn with plain black shorts.

The Senior School

In the senior school, Physical Education and Health are NCEA accredited subjects. We teach Physical Education at Level 1, 2 and 3. These courses focus on the academic elements of this subject. Biomechanics, anatomy, methods and principles of training, hauora, sport psychology, health promotion and social responsibility are just a few of the topics that we cover in the senior levels.

As a department we also offer Sports Leadership. The course is multi level and offers students NCEA credits through a mixture of unit standards and achievement standards through a range of activities. Students enrolled in this course are given a range of opportunities to demonstrate and develop leadership skills, improve their physical fitness and to enhance their outdoor education knowledge and skills.


We offer Health at Level 1, 2 and 3. These courses allow the students an opportunity to develop personal skills that empower students to take action to improve their own well-being, that of others, and their community. Students will be able to demonstrate respect for the rights of others and develop a sense of social justice. Our Health students apply complex critical thinking skills to a range of contexts, including but not limited to; interpersonal skills, promoting positive sexuality, health enhancing decisions, effectively managing change, promoting well-being, examining international health issues, investigating New Zealand health practices, and analysing ethical issues.

The Team

The Health and Physical Education department currently consists of Michael Jarvis, Lana Parkinson,  Quentin Clough.

Our Sports Coordinator is Tina Holst, who facilitates the wide range of sporting activities within the school. She can be contacted at tina.holst@otamatea.school.nz

If you have any questions or queries about Health and Physical Education, please contact michael.jarvis@otamatea.school.nz