School Notices 1 March 2024
Calendar of Events |
Monday 4 March | EOTC L1 Art and L2/3 History Marae Trip | |
Tuesday 5 March | EOTC Senior Futsal | |
Thursday 7 March | EOTC Yr 9-10 Futsal | |
Friday 8-11 March | EOTC DOE Gold Mt Taranaki | |
Friday 8 March | EOTC NSS Mountain Biking | |
Monday 11 March | Photolife Catch Up day | |
Tuesday 12 March | EOTC Girls Volleyball Moving on Day |
Wednesday 13 March | EOTC NSS Surfing | |
Thursday 14 March | EOTC Boys Volleyball EOTC Waifencing Course GRIP Student Leadership conference |
Friday 15 March | EOTC Northland Athletics | |
Well done to all year 9 to 13 students who participated in our athletics day last Thursday. This was a very successful day and it was wonderful to see everyone giving their best in all the track and field events, and showing such great support towards one another. Congratulations to our grade champions and to our amazing record breakers. We had six new records set on the day - what a fantastic result! Year 7 and 8s will have their own athletics day in term 4.
The correlation between student attendance and achievement is very strong. Having analysed our 2023 NCEA results it is no surprise to find that students who attend school regularly (at least 90% of the time) are achieving significantly higher than those with poor attendance. This is clearly illustrated with last year's NCEA level 3 results. Over half of our year 13s who attended regularly gained overall merit or excellence endorsements, and all passed NCEA level 3. At the other extreme, of those year 13s who attended less than 70% of the time, the majority did not pass at all. The message is clear: Students who attend school regularly do well, and those who do not struggle to cope. Please do not allow your child to miss school unless they are sick. Poor attendance has a very direct and detrimental impact on students' educational outcomes.
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The University of Canterbury is again offering skills based Kiwi competitions in English, Mathematics and Science for students of all ages. These are written by New Zealand teachers for New Zealand students and closely align with the New Zealand Curriculum. The online competitions will be run in the last 3 weeks of Term 2 and the first week of Term 3 and will take place at school, under exam conditions. Parents/caregivers will be provided with an individual student report outlining student performance. All participating students will be awarded a certificate and a prize will be awarded to the top student in each competition. The cost for a student to participate is $9.90 per competition entered. Elizabeth van den Berg will be contacting whānau to recruit students for these competitions in the coming weeks.
At Otamatea High School we are fortunate to have our own on sight alternative education program catering for up to eight students.
The purpose of our alternative education programs is to provide a more flexible, inclusive, and supportive environment to meet the diverse needs of students who may face challenges in traditional educational settings.
Our current program is run by Sam Philips. Sam does an amazing job not only supporting students with their learning but also facilitates a range of activities, camps and trips which focus on real-world experiences and developing practical skills.
It is very important that students know the rules around crossing roads once they hop off the bus. Here are some reminders;
After you get off the bus, wait as far away from the edge of the road as you can, until the bus has moved away.
If you need to cross the road, wait until the bus has driven past and you can see clearly up and down the road before crossing.
We are receiving many requests for students to go on alternative buses (requiring bus passes). Bus pass requests must be received by 12pm. These are to be emailed to or you can call the school and request it that way.
Currently, we will not be issuing bus passes on the following buses, as they are at capacity;
Mangahwai Central
Mangawhai Village
Mangawhai Heads
Station Road
Due to the Brynderwyn closure from Monday 26th February, an alternative route has been confirmed with the bus company and Easy Bus. Students who have been traveling on the Glenmohr buses to Otamatea High School will be collected at the Waipu Monument. They will leave at 7.30am and will return there at 4.20pm. Please be there in plenty of time, as buses will leave promptly.
If you have any queries, contact Easy Bus - here is the link
It is great to see the majority of students are wearing the correct school uniform with pride. If for any reason your child does not have the correct uniform, please send them to school with a note. All students that do not have the correct uniform must go to the uniform exchange before Whanau time where they can exchange the non-uniform for uniform for the day. The Uniform exchange is located in the back room of the hall.
Please remember school socks must be plain black. Socks with colours, logos patterns or designs are not acceptable. Footwear must be plain black, sandals must have a heel strap. Crocs, slides or Birkenstock style sandals are not part of our uniform.
Year 13 students are allowed to wear mufti. However, respectable clothing appropriate for school is expected. More details about the year 13 dress code can be found on the school website.
This year athletics was held on Thursday 22nd February. The day was hot, sunny and there was very little breeze. The students showed great athleticism in both the track and field events.
Congratulations to the following students for breaking records.
Leayah Buxton for breaking the senior girls shot put record with a distance of 10m 50cm. The record was held by Ocean Shadbolt (2018)with a distance of 9m 91cm.
Pyper Buxton for breaking the intermediate girls shot put record with a distance of 10m 45cm. The record was held by her sister Leayah Buxton (2022) with a distance of 10m 13cm.
Denika Clooney for breaking 2 records. Intermediate girls 800m with a time of 2.27.74. The record was held by Kelly Bruce (1999) with a time of 2.38.76. Open girls 1500 with a time of 5.13.04m. The record was held by Maree Searancke (1980) with a time of 5.20m.
Leo Fenney for breaking 2 records. Junior boys 400m with a time of 60.58s. The record was held by Roger McLean (1984) with a time of 61.20s.
Also the 800m junior boys record with a time of 2.20.03m. The record was held by Hayden Wright with a time of 2.22.60.
Inter Iwi results 1st Whatua, 2nd Arawa, 3rd Ngapuhi, 4th Maniapoto
For full information on athletic results please click here. For full results on the swimming sports please click here.
ID and class photos were taken on Monday 26th February. These can be ordered online. You will receive a photo access key to view and purchase your photos approximate 2-3 weeks after the last photo day (11th March).
Family photos will be taken on Monday 11th March (catch up day). If you are interested in having a “sibling/family photo” please collect a form from the main office. These forms need to be back to the office by Friday 8th March. Classic Family $30 and Ultimate Family Pack $35
Students trialled and made the following teams for Te Tai Tokerau Maori
U17 - Leayah Buxton, Pyper Buxton and Bekks Coll
U15 - Gina Smith and Koaria Bristow
On Saturday 24th these students played in the Toheroa preparation tournament in Dargaville.
The weather was unbelievably hot. The U17's finished, placing 2nd. The U15's played outstandingly. It's really amazing to watch and support students outside of school. Congrats girls. They are preparing to head to Rotorua for the Aotearoa Maori Netball Tournament from the 29th March to the 1st April.
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Some of the Year 7 Literacy groups have been focusing on journals and learning how to follow a recipe. The topic the groups focused on were Kūtai (mussels). The students researched how to collect Kūtai and looked at a traditional recipe.
At the time we could not find any fresh Kūtai so opted for a pottle of mussels.The students modified their recipe and doubled it as there were 6 in each group.
All students helped out, some had never tried mussels- there were mixed reviews.
Azaliyah- “they taste like pancakes”
Nate- “please email my parents this recipe”
Ross- “absolutely not”
Hunter “they are really good”
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• Follow all instructions from the bus driver
• No eating, drinking, smoking, vaping or music on the bus.
• Once seated, stay seated.
• Keep your voice low so the driver is not distracted.
• Keep the inside of the bus clean and damage-free.
If there are any issues regarding behaviours on buses please email who will follow up.
Due to roll growth, we will not be able to accommodate students moving between buses, especially on the routes from Mangawhai. Students must stay on the buses assigned to them.
If a student needs to go home on another bus parents or caregivers must contact the school and a bus pass issued. For information on school bus routes please click this link
For more information on safely getting to and from school on a school bus, please visit;