Te Pānui o Otamatea

School Notices 6 September 2024

Calendar of Events


Friday 6 September - Sunday 8 September  EOTC DOE Gold Silver Training Kaimai
Sunday 8 September - Friday 13 September EOTC Rugby 7's at AIMS
Monday 9 September EOTC Collegiate Hockey
Tuesday 10 September  
Wednesday 11 September  Market Day Yr 10 & 11 commerce students
Enrolment Evening II
Thursday 12 September EOTC Helping Paws Volunteering
EOTC TBC Girls Badminton Y9-13 Porowini Ave
Friday 13 September 
Friday 13 September - Sunday 15 September
EOTC Northland Basketball Premier League
EOTC DoE Silver Training Waitakere Ranges
Saturday 14 September School Ball (at OHS)
Monday 16 September
Monday 16 September - Friday 20 September
EOTC Collegiate Hockey
Interiwi Chess Week
Tuesday 17 September  
Wednesday 18 September EOTC P U15 Rugby 7's Boys and Girls Kerikeri
Board of Trustees Meeting 6pm
Thursday 19 September EOTC Helping Paws Volunteering
Friday 20 September  

View our full School Calendar here


From Principal's desk

Tena Koutou Katoa

As we approach the derived senior exam period (week 10), I encourage our senior students to stay focused and prepare well for their upcoming assessments.

For our junior students, it's important to continue concentrating on their reading, writing, and numeracy skills. These are crucial for their upcoming CAA exams, and consistent effort now will help them build a strong foundation for future success in their NCEA years.

Thank you for your continued support in helping your children succeed.

At Otamatea we have a comprehensive school sports program, I would like to thank you for your ongoing support. Your involvement plays a key role in fostering a positive environment for our students.
I thank you for showing respect and encouragement toward our volunteer coaches and officials, who work hard to offer opportunities for all our tamariki.

A big shout out to our UNISS netball squad who have acquitted themselves well this week and secured their position in B grade for another year. The basketball team had a great week at North island champs and won some hard fought battles on court.

Good luck to our Rugby 7's in Tauranga next week.

Todd Malcolm


School news

Kerikeri Primary Industries Trip 2024

On Thursday 29th of August the Level 1 Primary Industries class left for a two day trip to Kerikeri to visit various primary industries. First up was a visit to a fruit packhouse and coolstore in Waipapa where we learned how kiwifruit and lemons are packed and stored for export. We then visited a kiwifruit orchard and learned all about the growing and harvesting of kiwifruit. The final stop for the day was at a large dairy farm close to Okaihau which farmed 1200 cows. We were able to see the large rotary cowshed in action and a couple of us were even able to have a go at putting the cups on. One of the highlights of the day was seeing and interacting with the newborn calves. That night we stayed in Kerikeri at the Woodlands Motel. The next morning we headed for Pāmu farms (Landcorp) where we saw a large avocado orchard and a massive tunnel house blueberry operation. Also present were two Primary ITO training advisors who were able to talk to us about careers and training in the industry. After a quick stop at Lake Manuwai, which is a reservoir created to store water for irrigation for Kerikeri’s orchards, we then headed back to OHS.

Thanks to Ladene for assisting on the trip and Johnathon Carswell for organising many of the places we visited.

Northland Netball tournament

Last Tuesday Otamatea Took 6 Netball Teams to Whangarei to participate in the Northland Netball tournament. All Teams played well , showing the Waka Values we aspire to. With 4 teams placing 1st and 2nd. We are so proud of the girls and want to thank Teresa Brown, Stephanie Hutchinson, Madeline Moulds and Kerryan Green for their coaching. Pyper Buxton, Molliegh Buxton, Koaria Bristow and Penny Worsfold for their umpiring.
It was a great day had by all. 

Level 1 Hospitality competition

Students from Level 1 Hospitality participated in an inter-class cake competition in the context of their baking assessment. Both classes planned, made, and decorated their own cakes combining different ingredients, and methods which resulted in amazing productions. The staff invited as judges had a hard time choosing the winners. Congratulations to everyone!

L1 HOSP (Mrs. Kemp)
1st: Koaria, Kaazaa, Miah, and Sapphire
2nd: Olivia, Charlize, Brooke, and Casey

L1 HOSP (Ms. Moreno)
1st: Arahia and Kate
2nd: Eva, Havillah, and Manaia


Interview with Alex Amesbury

A Year 11 student completing a Year 12 Construction Academy course.

What attracted you to the Construction Academy?
It was a good opportunity to learn about the building industry and the tools that are used in the trades.
How has that helped you reach your academic goals?
I got to do something that I enjoy while earning level 2 NCEA and NZ Certificate in BCATS
How did Pathways help with this?
It provided extra Level 2 credits that will be relevant to the trade I will take.
Can you give an example of how the schoolwork in Construction is relevant to the real world?
We laid concrete outside the construction shed and a path outside Richards shed.
What will you achieve at the end of the year?
BCATS level 2 and NCEA level 2 which will set me up for my apprenticeship.
What projects have you completed?
A sawhorse, a garden chair and I’m halfway through constructing a cabinet with a drawer.
Would you recommend the Construction Academy to others?
Yes, because you gain a lot of industry knowledge which is very helpful when going into an apprenticeship.

The Otamatea Trades Academy can be completed over 1 or 2 years. Students tick both Construction options and Pathways to complete in one year, or tick one Construction option box to complete over
two years.
Students can be accepted into the academy from Year 11 by appointment.


Market Day - Wednesday 11th September

NCEA Level 1 Commerce is a new subject offered this year, with a huge 46 students across 2 classes taking part. Market Day is our much anticipated annual event that combines a huge amount of hard work, learning and preparation and results in hands-on experience at running a real life business. The planning forms part of two assessments, with students having to give a class presentation on their business earlier in the term. 

A total of 17 groups across these two classes, are also joined by 10 groups from Year 10 Commerce, who also get to experience the excitement and pitfalls of working in groups and running a business. 

Students are encouraged to bring cash on Wednesday next week to get involved and support these businesses if they can. Pre-orders will also be available over the next week for students and staff who prefer to order and pay online, as bank deposits on the day will not be available. 


Senior Options Expo - 9 Sept

On the afternoon of Monday the 9th September, year 10-12 students will visit subject displays in the hall and have the chance to talk to the head of departments and other teachers about their possible option choices for 2025.
Parents and caregivers are welcome to attend between 12:30-4pm on this day (avoid staff lunch break 2-2:30) to find out more about Year 11-13 subjects. A link to the 2025 course directory has been emailed to all students and families of Y10-12 with details of the senior option choice process. Anyone can find the directory on our school website. 

Please note: 2025 Year 9-10 option choices do not occur until at least the middle of term 4.

School Ball

Tickets are still available for our school ball on September the 14th.  
Tickets cost $90 and can be purchased from the front office.  All Year 11,12 and 13 students are welcome to attend.  `Year 12 and 13 students can bring outside partners.  
If you are wanting to bring a partner that does not attend Otamatea High School please complete an outside partner approval form which is available from the  front office.

Parent help required for the school ball Saturday 14th September - 6.30pm -11.30pm

We require help with setting up the food for supper, washing dishes, making drinks and any other jobs that will come up.
If you are able to help please email nikola.kemp@otamatea.school.nz for further information.  If you are only available for certain times that is fine.

Pet Day 2024

This year Pet Day will be Saturday October 19th to tie in with the Maungaturoto Primary School 150th celebrations.  Otamatea students are invited to compete with a lamb, calf or chicken. 
For entries and a copy of the rules please register with Pepe ewenequine@gmail.com

Report an absence

You can notify the school of an absence using the portal, by phone at 0800 682 628, option 1, or by email at absence@otamatea.school.nz.
The old google form is no longer in use, our school website will take you to the portal if you click on 'Report an Absence'.
Our school portal has been updated and the new address is https://otamatea.school.kiwi/
If you need help with accessing this please email Mrs Cadman alison.cadman@otamatea.school.nz

For any bus passes, after school arrangements, student needs or requests, please email studentcentre@otamatea.school.nz

Te Manawa Tahi Community Hubs

Wednesday 11th September 2024 - 9am until 12pm
Otamatea St Johns Ambulance Hall (172 Hurndall Street) 

If you have a concern about your child's language development, learning progress, social and emotional wellbeing, or behaviour, Te Manawa Tahi have specialists available so you can discuss your concerns directly with them.

This is a free service and each site will be identified by a Te Manawa Tahi sign or flag. Drop into a hub or make an appointment by phoning 0800 524 842 or emailing TT.Support@education.govt.nz.


We are fast approaching the "business end" of the school year - especially for our senior NCEA students.
In preparation for these our seniors will be sitting their mock exams in week 10 of term 3 - 23rd - 27th Sept.

As we have always done in the past, we are putting out an appeal to the community to help our students with special assessment conditions (SAC's) during the sitting of their exams, especially their NCEA finals.

This could be as a reader/writer or it may be to supervise a group of students who need separate accommodation or breaks or extra time.
You will be remunerated for any time spent at school in this capacity.

My thanks to those people who have done this in the past and have gotten in touch to let us know you are available again this year. You will also need to make sure that your police vetting check is up to date.Please spread the word and get in touch. It could also really suit some grandparents who have grandchildren here. They would have vested interest, plus are usually very patient.

Please get in touch if you can help. Please call me on  0800 682 628 Ext 236

Kind regards

Paddy Hallissey
(Learning Support Services Manager)

  Community Notices