School Notices 30 August 2024
Calendar of Events |
Saturday 31 August | EOTC Challenge Day | |
Sunday 1 September - Saturday 7 September Sunday 1 September - Thursday 5 September |
EOTC P UNISS Y9-13 Netball EOTC P North Island Prems Basketball |
Monday 2 September | EOTC Collegiate Hockey | |
Tuesday 3 September | Quad Principals/Prefects Visit (Ruawai) | |
Wednesday 4 September | Enrolment Evening l | |
Thursday 5 September | EOTC Helping Paws Volunteering Tools of the Trades Kaipara |
Friday 6 September Friday 6 September - Sunday 8 September |
EOTC Northland Basketball Premier League EOTC Rural Designs Visit EOTC DOE Gold Silver Training Kaimai |
Sunday 8 September - Friday 13 September | EOTC Rugby 7's at AIMS | |
Monday 9 September | EOTC Collegiate Hockey | |
Tuesday 10 September | Enrolment Evening II | |
Wednesday 11 September | Market Day Yr 10 & 11 commerce students | |
Thursday 12 September | EOTC Helping Paws Volunteering EOTC TBC Girls Badminton Y9-13 Porowini Ave |
Friday 13 September Friday 13 September - Sunday 15 September |
EOTC Northland Basketball Premier League EOTC DoE Silver Training Waitakere Ranges |
Saturday 14 September | School Ball (at OHS) | |
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Tena Koutou Katoa
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the students who participated in our recent Olla Podrida talent show. It was a fantastic event that showcased the incredible diversity of talents we have here at Otamatea High School.
We held our open day for prospective parents and students on Thursday where they had a taste of some curriculum areas on offer in 2025 and had a chance to look around our campus.
A reminder that 2025 enrolment is now open online through our school website. Out of home zone enrolments close on Wednesday 4th September and this day is also our main enrolment day at the school between 2.30pm and 7pm. Please ring the office to make an appointment if you have not already done so.
I would also like to thank everyone for their donations on Daffodil Day, a worthy cause that supports the Cancer Society's important work. A large number of students and staff wore the yellow ribbon and brought a gold coin donation to support this fundraiser.
Finally, I would like to wish our netball, basketball, and 7's rugby teams the best of luck in their upcoming tournaments next week. We are proud of your dedication and hard work, and we know you will represent our school with pride.
Here is an overview of our 2024 end of year dates and 2025 start dates:
Term 4 - 2024 End of Year
10th December - Junior Prizegiving 10.30am start - prize winners and families only (buses leave at 12.30pm)
11th December - Staff only day
12th December - Prefect leadership training
Term 1 - 2025 Start of Year
Tuesday 28th Jan - Teacher only day
|Wed 29th Jan - Y13 Leadership training day (no other students) - no buses will run on this day
Thursday 30th Jan - All Y13 and Y7, and all other new students (Powhiri @9am Parents are welcome to attend) - buses will run as normal
Friday 31st Jan - Classes start for all students (Y7-Y13)
Todd Malcolm
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On the afternoon of Monday the 9th September, year 10-12 students will visit subject displays in the hall and have the chance to talk to the head of departments and other teachers about their possible option choices for 2025.
Parents and caregivers are welcome to attend between 1-4pm on this day to find out more about Year 11-13 subjects. There will also be a link to the 2025 course directory emailed out next week with details of the senior option choice process.
Please note: Year 9-10 option choices do not occur until at least the middle of term 4.
Olla Podriga was held just over a week ago on Thursday 22nd of August. We are so glad to have had another successful show with 22 students performing on stage. An encouraging crowd experienced outstanding acts that showcased the talent and potential of our young people. A special congratulations is given to Albert Ulisala and Maggie Burke for taking out first and second place respectively in the singing competition.
In the open category, acts of all kinds were judged based on their stage presence, skill, and interpretation of the item.
First place went to a band led by Margaret Dunn and second place was awarded to Aliyah Connelly-Richards for her poi performance. At the end of the evening, audiences voted for their favourite item.
The results were announced at assembly this week and the year 11 band, Royal Rats, received the prize. It was fantastic to see the wide range of talents active in our school, from spoken word, to piano and violin performances. We look forward to seeing what students bring to the stage in 2025.
Tickets are still available for our school ball on September the 14th.
Tickets cost $90 and can be purchased from the front office. All Year 11,12 and 13 students are welcome to attend. `Year 12 and 13 students can bring outside partners.
If you are wanting to bring a partner that does not attend Otamatea High School please complete an outside partner approval form which is available from the front office.
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Parent help required for the school ball Saturday 14th September - 6.30pm -11.30pm
We require help with setting up the food for supper, washing dishes, making drinks and any other jobs that will come up.
If you are able to help please email for further information. If you are only available for certain times that is fine.
During Term 2, members of The Nook took part in a Flash Fiction writing competition. Members were asked to write a short story of no more than 300 words that included some challenges. They were to include a staircase in their story, the colour red, a character named Percy, and to begin their story with a sound.
Our judge for this competition was Claire Mabey, the book editor for The Spinoff website. She was highly impressed by the calibre of writing she received for this competition, commenting on the high level of creativity and storytelling devices submitted by students.
Overall, there were 4 prize winners
1st place - Mollie Cato (y12)
2nd place - Denika Clooney (y11)
3rd place - Orna Leng (y10)
Highly commended - Renee Canton (y12)
Congratulations to all our winners!
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On Thursday the year 9 and 10 students were not at school but out in the community engaging with people from all walks of life to find out what they do in their jobs.
The school really appreciate the way parents took this opportunity to help their students find a worthwhile experience and we offer our thanks to the many business in the area who opened their doors for our students.
Just mentioning a few of the places students went to: beauty shops, cafes, farms, construction sites, schools, an airfield, an op-shop and the community house, chocolate factory, men’s shed, physio, photographer and sign installation site.
We are looking forward to the feedback from these students and hope to have more photos to show you in the next newsletter.
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Bay of Island Beast was held on Friday 23rd August in Paihia. We had a staggering 104 students participate (2 Buses). We had some very excited and nervous bunch of students, especially the 1st timers. Jason Roux ran with the kids and came 2nd in the teachers. Denika Clooney won the race overall beating 860 other students from other schools all around Northland. There were some very muddy students who had huge smiles on their faces coming over the finish line. All participants received a medal.
Congratulations to Denika and Jason.
This year Pet Day will be Saturday October 19th to tie in with the Maungaturoto Primary School 150th celebrations. Otamatea students are invited to compete with a lamb, calf or chicken.
For entries and a copy of the rules please register with Pepe
You can notify the school of an absence using the portal, by phone at 0800 682 628, option 1, or by email at
The old google form is no longer in use, our school website will take you to the portal if you click on 'Report an Absence'.
Our school portal has been updated and the new address is
If you need help with accessing this please email Mrs Cadman
Te Manawa Tahi Community Hubs
Wednesday 11th September 2024 - 9am until 12pm
Otamatea St Johns Ambulance Hall (172 Hurndall Street)
If you have a concern about your child's language development, learning progress, social and emotional wellbeing, or behaviour, Te Manawa Tahi have specialists available so you can discuss your concerns directly with them.
This is a free service and each site will be identified by a Te Manawa Tahi sign or flag. Drop into a hub or make an appointment by phoning 0800 524 842 or emailing
We are fast approaching the "business end" of the school year - especially for our senior NCEA students.
In preparation for these our seniors will be sitting their mock exams in week 10 of term 3 - 23rd - 27th Sept.
As we have always done in the past, we are putting out an appeal to the community to help our students with special assessment conditions (SAC's) during the sitting of their exams, especially their NCEA finals.
This could be as a reader/writer or it may be to supervise a group of students who need separate accommodation or breaks or extra time.
You will be remunerated for any time spent at school in this capacity.
My thanks to those people who have done this in the past and have gotten in touch to let us know you are available again this year. You will also need to make sure that your police vetting check is up to date.Please spread the word and get in touch. It could also really suit some grandparents who have grandchildren here. They would have vested interest, plus are usually very patient.
Please get in touch if you can help. Please call me on 0800 682 628 Ext 236
Kind regards
Paddy Hallissey
(Learning Support Services Manager)
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WILLOWS TAKEAWAYS In Paparoa - Opening hours 12pm - 7.30pm Wednesday - Friday 020 401 03994 for phone orders. |