Te Pānui o Otamatea

School Notices 23 August 2024

Calendar of Events


Saturday 24 August  EOTC Clay Target Shooting
Monday 26 August EOTC Collegiate Hockey
Tuesday 27 August EOTC Geography Field Trip Whangarei
EOTC Junior Netball Y7-10 Kensington
Wednesday 28 August EOTC Boys Midweek U15 Rugby and 1st XV
Thursday 29 August

Thursday 29 August - Friday 30 August
EOTC Helping Paws Volunteering
EOTC P Badminton Boys Y11-13 McKay Stadium
EOTC Kerikeri Primary Industries Trip
Friday 30 August EOTC Northland Basketball Premier League
EOTC P Boys Basketball Cup Y9-10 McKay Stadium
Y 11 SMART$ P3 in hall
Yr 7-8 Behind the Scenes P2 in hall
Yr 9 & 10 Alcohol Educ P4 in hall 
Sunday 1 September - Saturday 7 September 
Sunday 1 September - Thursday 5 September 
EOTC P UNISS Y9-13 Netball
EOTC P North Island Prems Basketball
Monday 2 September EOTC Collegiate Hockey
Tuesday 3 September  Quad Principals/Prefects Visit (Ruawai)
Wednesday 4 September Enrolment Evening
Thursday 5 September EOTC Helping Paws Volunteering
Tools of the Trades Kaipara
Friday 6 September 

Friday 6 September - Sunday 8 September 
EOTC Northland Basketball Premier League
EOTC Rural Designs Visit
EOTC DOE Gold Silver Training Kaimai

View our full School Calendar here


From Principal's desk

Tena Koutou Katoa

At Otamatea High School, our Year 7-10 students embody the spirit of our school vision, "Ready for the World" – "Kia mataara ki te Ao," as they strive for academic success. In alignment with our whakatauki, "He waka eke noa," each student is encouraged to take an active role in their own learning journey, understanding that success is a collective effort supported by staff, family, whānau, and the broader community.

Our values, represented by the "WAKA," guide students as they work hard to achieve their goals. Through Whanaungatanga, they build respectful relationships and care for one another, fostering a sense of belonging that encourages them to excel. Ako reminds them that learning is a shared experience; in every classroom interaction, there is an opportunity to both teach and learn from others. With Kaitiakitanga, students develop a strong sense of responsibility, not only for their environment but also for their personal well-being, understanding that a healthy mind and body are crucial for academic success. Finally, through Aroha, they learn the importance of empathy, focusing their best efforts to support and uplift those around them.

By embracing these values, our Year 7-10 students are not just preparing for the challenges of the world beyond school; they are actively contributing to a school culture that nurtures hard work, resilience, and success for all. 

Please keep talking to your tamariki about the school values and continue to reinforce how working hard and doing the mahi will bring long term benefits to them as they move through life. I am attempting to meet as many students as I can in my walks through classrooms and around the school grounds. In these chats, I am being very overt about what we expect at school and how much we care that every student reaches their potential. We cannot do this in isolation and need your help in reinforcing these messages every day. Attending every day, being prepared and being teachable are crucial aspects for academic advancement.

Todd Malcolm


School news

Reminder - There is no school for Year 9-10 students this Thursday 29th August.

They are to participate in a Work Experience day. If your student has yet to organise a workplace to visit, please assist them with this and complete this quick google form to let us know their plans.
Here are some students on work experience day from previous years.

Junior Syndicate Maths Bake Off 

The 7th Junior Syndicate Maths Bake Off took place on Friday 16th August 2024.
Y7 and 8 students took up the challenge to create cakes or biscuits decorated with a mathematical topic. In line with our current topic, fractions were well represented with pi, graphs and maths instruments also sharing the limelight. Rio even constructed a wooden struction to display his geometric creations.

Thank you to Imogen and Stephanie for judging. During shared lunch that day each syndicate class got a plate of baking to share, and everything proved very popular. Congratulations to all the bakers who took part and thank you to their whānau for the support.


Large Cakes

First: Caitlin Ewen
Second: Ewan Pentz and Julian Kennedy Bassett
Third: Nico Freeman and  Felix Fish 

Small Cakes

First: Baylee Morrison
Second: Zene Prinsloo


Joint First: Rio Loffley and Baylee Morrison
Joint Second Havahn Hill and Jack Brown, Harry Brown & Asher Kedelle
Third: Ellise MacKenzie

Futsal Year 7-8

On Wednesday 14th, we headed to Whangarei with 4 dedicated players, Tauraroa Area School were kind enough to lend us a player. The students did extremely well and had a lot of fun.   

Senior Girls Basketball

Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances we headed to Whangarei short of players. With only 4 teams in the competition I had to help out by playing a couple of games. We had so much fun and our girls finished 1st equal with Whangarei Girls.  
Teresa Brown

Reporoa Exchange Sunday 11th - Tuesday 13th

This was our 58th year of the annual school exchange, it would have been our 59th but unfortunately covid had different plans. We left from Otamatea at 8am and with a lunch stop arrived in Reporoa just after 2pm. The students had a small welcome and some refreshments before the basketball games were played.  We went down with 39 students playing in Basketball Boys/Girls, Volleyball, Rugby, Netball and Futsal. Once again the shield came home.

Boys Basketball 46-17 win
Volleyball 3-0 lost
Futsal 4-2 win
Netball 56-2 win
Rugby 54-19 win
Girls Basketball 64-14 win

School Ball Update

Year 12 students can now apply to bring an outside partner to the school ball.  If you are in year 12 and would like to bring a partner that does not attend Otamatea High School please complete an outside partner form which is available from the front office.  Please remember the school reserves the right to decline outside partner applications.

Tickets available from the office

Parent help required for the school ball Saturday 14th September - 6.30pm -11.30pm

We require help with setting up the food for supper, washing dishes, making drinks and any other jobs that will come up.
If you are able to help please email nikola.kemp@otamatea.school.nz for further information.  If you are only available for certain times that is fine.

Pet Day 2024

This year Pet Day will be Saturday October 19th to tie in with the Maungaturoto Primary School 150th celebrations.  Otamatea students are invited to compete with a lamb, calf or chicken. 
For entries and a copy of the rules please register with Pepe ewenequine@gmail.com

Report an absence

You can notify the school of an absence using the portal, by phone at 0800 682 628, option 1, or by email at absence@otamatea.school.nz.
The old google form is no longer in use, our school website will take you to the portal if you click on 'Report an Absence'.
Our school portal has been updated and the new address is https://otamatea.school.kiwi/
If you need help with accessing this please email Mrs Cadman alison.cadman@otamatea.school.nz

For any bus passes, after school arrangements, student needs or requests, please email studentcentre@otamatea.school.nz

Te Manawa Tahi Community Hubs

Wednesday 11th September 2024 - 9am until 12pm
Otamatea St Johns Ambulance Hall (172 Hurndall Street) 

If you have a concern about your child's language development, learning progress, social and emotional wellbeing, or behaviour, Te Manawa Tahi have specialists available so you can discuss your concerns directly with them.

This is a free service and each site will be identified by a Te Manawa Tahi sign or flag. Drop into a hub or make an appointment by phoning 0800 524 842 or emailing TT.Support@education.govt.nz.


We are fast approaching the "business end" of the school year - especially for our senior NCEA students.
In preparation for these our seniors will be sitting their mock exams in week 10 of term 3 - 23rd - 27th Sept.

As we have always done in the past, we are putting out an appeal to the community to help our students with special assessment conditions (SAC's) during the sitting of their exams, especially their NCEA finals.

This could be as a reader/writer or it may be to supervise a group of students who need separate accommodation or breaks or extra time.
You will be remunerated for any time spent at school in this capacity.

My thanks to those people who have done this in the past and have gotten in touch to let us know you are available again this year. You will also need to make sure that your police vetting check is up to date.Please spread the word and get in touch. It could also really suit some grandparents who have grandchildren here. They would have vested interest, plus are usually very patient.

Please get in touch if you can help. Please call me on  0800 682 628 Ext 236

Kind regards

Paddy Hallissey
(Learning Support Services Manager)

Pre-Enrolling now


  Community Notices





In Paparoa - Opening hours

12pm - 7.30pm Wednesday - Friday
1pm - 7.30pm Sat and Sunday

020 401 03994 for phone orders.  
Excluding Friday - no phone orders