Te Pānui o Otamatea

School Notices 5 July 2024

Calendar of Events


Monday 22 July First Day Term 3
EOTC  Collegiate Hockey
Tuesday 23 July  
Wednesday 24 July  
Thursday 25 July EOTC Girls North Harbour Basketball
Friday 26 July   
Monday 29 July EOTC Collegiate Hockey
Tuesday 30 July  EOTC 3x3 Basketball Y9-10
EOTC Rugby 7's Y7-8
Wednesday 31 July  EOTC Clay Target Shooting
Boys Midweek U15 Rugby
Parent /Teacher interviews
Thursday 1 August  EOTC Girls North Harbour Basketball
EOTC Kauri Museum Trip
Friday 2 August EOTC Northland Motorcross Challenge
EOTC Quad Exchange

View our full School Calendar here


From the Senior Leadership Team

From the Principal

I would like to take this opportunity to bid farewell to the Otamatea High School community. It has truly been an honour and a privilege to serve as this school's principal. I arrived here in 2009 as the Head of Mathematics, became Deputy Principal in 2016 and finally principal in 2021. My goal here has always been simple: to make this school a place where every student feels valued, supported, and inspired to achieve their very best. I am very pleased to be able to leave the school in such great shape.

At assembly on Wednesday I got a chance to say goodbye to our year 9-13 students through my farewell speech, and I enjoyed one final, outstanding performance from our kapa haka roopu. Yesterday I visited each of the year 7 and 8 classes to say goodbye to them as well.

My final advice I gave to our students:
Surround yourself with positivity and never underestimate the power of kindness. Unkind people often find themselves missing out on the best parts of life. 
Stay connected and look after your friends, and your family.

Practice gratitude and appreciate the amazing opportunities you have here.

Learn to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success. It’s the universe's way of saying “hey you’re not perfect, but you’re learning. The only true failure is giving up.

Cultivate a curiosity and a love for learning - no matter what it is. 
Work hard and always be hopeful, no matter how tough things get. 

Lastly, believe in yourselves. You are capable of achieving incredible things. Trust in your abilities, follow your passions, and don’t be afraid to take sensible risks. 
On the first day of next term the school will host a powhiri to welcome our new principal Mr Todd Malcolm to our amazing school and I wish him all the best.

Take care.

Dirk Smyth

Mid-year progress reports

Mid-year progress reports are emailed out at the end of term. If you do not receive a copy for each of your children in the next few days please contact our school office via email. The booking system for parent interviews is now open. A separate email with details about booking interviews was sent yesterday. Instructions are also included below. We encourage you to meet with your student's subject teachers, and if you have pastoral concerns about your child it may be beneficial to book an appointment with their dean or whānau teacher as well.

Mobile phones and Chromebooks

This term has seen the extension of our no phones at school policy to include year’s 11, 12 and 13  in line with the government's new policy.  I’m pleased to report the majority of students have responded well and we are seeing only a very small number of students using their mobile phones at school.   If you do need to contact your child for any reason whilst they are at school please contact the school office and a message will be passed onto them.
All students in year 10,11,12 and 13 must have their own Chromebook at school every day.   In recent weeks we have seen an increasing number of students choosing not to bring their Chromebooks to school.   Please ensure your child is bringing a charged chrome book to school every day.  We  have a limited number of  Chromebooks available for temporary loan from the Library which students  with a genuine reason for not having a Chromebook can access   If you require assistance with providing a Chromebook please email me at adrian.cooling@otamatea.school.nz

Bus drop off and pick up bay at school

Please follow the signs and use the drop off and pick up bay, when collecting students from school. Students must walk within the blue allocated spaces. Please move up as space allows. 

Otamatea High School has a vacancy for a Teacher Aide position working 9.00am - 3.30pm Monday to Friday.

As a member of the Learning support team, you will be working with students in years 7-13 for a number of learning support needs.  This includes literacy and numeracy support, SPEC programmes, NCEA support and specific work with students with complex learning and behaviour needs.  This role may also involve work with ORS funded students across all year levels including years 7 & 8.  
You will be reporting to the Learning Support Manager.

Please send a completed application form, CV and covering letter to Tracy Creighton, Principal’s EA, Box 64, Maungaturoto, Northland; 
ph (0800) 682 628; email ohs@otamatea.school.nz

Applications close 9am Friday 12 July 2024

School news

Parent Teacher Interviews – Wednesday 31st July starting 1pm

All parents are encouraged to attend. 
The online booking app opens at 10am Friday 5th July and closes at 12pm on Tuesday 30th July.
To book appointments parents/caregivers should log on to: www.schoolinterviews.co.nz the event code is bkjk8. 
Those families who do not have internet access, are encouraged to ring the school office and we will make the bookings for you. 
Buses will run at 12.30pm on Wednesday 31st July

Atiu Creek Tree Planting 2024

On Friday the 21st June the L1 Primary Industries and Year 10 Green to Gold classes went to Atiu Creek Regional Park, Tapora to help with tree planting. Native species were planted on a steep hillside as part of a program to plant 31 000 trees every year on the 2000 acre property. After planting 795 trees the group was provided with a BBQ lunch. In addition to contributing to the conservation effort, the Year 11 students were able to gain credits in tree planting. The attitude and effort of all students during the planting was excellent and Conservation Volunteers NZ was very impressed with the students tree planting abilities.
Many thanks to Conservation Volunteers New Zealand for organizing the day for us and to Ladene Hunter for assisting.

Last E-sport game in competition played

On Thursday 4 July our e-sports team played their last game in the New Zealand High Schools E- sports Clash organised by the Waikato University. They faithfully turned up for nine weeks in a row,
after school until around 6pm. Although they were not confident with Valorant, the game being played, they valiantly tackled every game.
In the end they lost four times and won five because the other teams forfeited. Teams would forfeit because they didn’t have enough players or were not ready on time. That never happened to our
dedicated team. The energy in the room was high and every opportunity taken was celebrated with loud cheers.
25 teams across New Zealand took part. The top teams, of which we will not be part, will play the final games at the beginning of next term.

The photos show them ready and waiting to start and in the game playing. The team members were William Fox, Alex Parry-Ernst, Ben Muller, Egor Shefer and Aaron Texeira, all Year 12 students.

Otamatea Girls Premier Basketball team

The Otamatea Girls Premier Basketball team has had an excellent start to their season playing in the Harbour A competition for the first time. The team contains players ranging from Year 9, through to Year 12 and includes first year players and experienced older players.

Travelling down to North Harbour every Thursday Night has been a challenge for the team, however the team has bonded well and heading into their 10th game of the season against Long Bay College Premier they remain unbeaten. The team has been led well by older players Anahera Worsfold and Jade Ferrari. Anahera currently leads the league in scoring at 22ppg and Jade would definitely be leading the league in blocks if they tracked all stats. However, every player is contributing weekly to their success. Trinity Ulisala and Keira Morris have been great on defense, Harper Dowson has been raining threes and Ava Morrison is rapidly improving each week.

With the bulk of the team still in year 9 and 10 the future is bright for basketball at Otamatea.
To follow their results and highlight videos follow @otagirlsbasketball on Instagram.

Producers and Consumers show case 2024 Year 8

Well done to all Year 8 students who attended the Product Showcase on Wednesday 3rd July, in our school hall. What a wonderful array of ideas and products. 

From cake pops to special nuggets and chips, organic beef jerky and sunny burgers, 2024 Producers and Consumers went off with a bang. The hall was a hive of activity where 4 Year 8 classes created a modified smart snack, then produced a package adhering to all the nutritional guidelines needed for a sellable product.

A big thanks to all the students for their hard work over the term and to Aunty Bosch, Mrs. Baker, Sam Phillips, and Tracy Christie for their role as judges. The winners of the varying categories will be recognized in the junior assembly next term.

Deck hand qualification program  - By Tennessee Brewer 

I started my journey on boats not very long ago. I wasn’t very familiar with the boating industry until I had a week long voyage with the R Tucker Thompson. I had a little bit of a passion to work on sailing yachts and sail the world, after going on the R Tucker Thompson it really sparked and ignited my passion for this and it made me really want to pursue working in the boating industry. I was luckily given the opportunity to be selected for an opportunity of a lifetime which was to be part of the QDC course program sponsored by the R Tucker Thompson. The Qualified Deck Crew (QDC) is a national deck certificate. With a QDC certificate, you can perform the functions and duties of a deck crew member on non-passenger ships and passenger ships of less than 24 metres length, operating in restricted and near-coastal waters.
The QDC Program was delivered by the R Tucker Thompson Sail Training Trust (RTT) in partnership with Skipper Training NZ, utilising the campus facilities of QRC Tai Tokerau.

The course provided numerous tools such as a tutor who was absolutely amazing and taught us throughout the entirety of the course, an admin leader who made sure that all the paperwork was up to scratch so that when it was sent to Maritime New Zealand there were no issues therefore we could get the qualification faster, the R tucker team, Russel radio, and Carol who taught us all about health and safety.  
The course itself was really amazing as it not only focused on the theory in class we also got to use  that theory out of class and put it into practical practice by going on numerous vessels such as the local fairies the dolphin discovery and the R Tucker Thompson. This was quite amazing because we were able to use the skills and knowledge that we had learned in class on the vessels themselves.
The course also provided us the opportunity to gain our first aid certification and our MRROC certification as part of the program as these certificates were needed for the qualification process. I learned a lot from this course such as parts of a vessel and equipment, vessel operations processes, Mtop and Moss (health and safety), rope work such as splicing and whipping, knot tying, safety procedures on board vessels, emergency procedures, safety equipment, navigation, navigation equipment, chart work, vessel cleanliness and hygiene, and so much more. I was also given the opportunity to operate the dolphin discovery, and the R Tucker Thompson which was a great experience. I made so many friends and memories along this course and strongly encourage anyone who wants to work in the boating industry to try out for this course.
I am very excited to take my qualification further and hopefully get my skippers ticket in the close future and also hopefully one day own my own charter business.


Community Notices

School Bus Drivers

We are looking for School Bus Drivers to cover local school runs, If you have a clean class 1 and preferably class 2 New Zealand driver’s license and a some spare time we would love to hear from you. We can help you obtain your passenger endorsement, minimum 20 hours a week. If you cannot commit full time but are looking for some casual driving work, we are also looking for relief drivers.
Contact Louise 0274975842 louise@leabourn.co.nz for more information.