School Notices 17 May 2024
Calendar of Events |
Monday 20 May | EOTC Collegiate Hockey EOTC Golf Champs |
Tuesday 21 May | EOTC WPCA Vector Wero Turbo Touch |
Wednesday 22 May | EOTC Boys and Girls Mid Week Football EOTC Mixed Volleyball Seniors TKO (Lance) |
Thursday 23 May | EOTC Girls North Harbour Basketball EOTC Waifencing Course EOTC Helping Paws Volunteering EOTC New Young Leaders Day EOTC Northland Basketball Senioir Boys Paid Union meeting - School closed 12.30pm |
Friday 24 May | EOTC South Zone Basketball EOTC Girls Basketball |
Monday 27 May Monday 27 May - Friday 31 May |
EOTC Collegiate Hockey Inter Iwi football |
Tuesday 28 May | Senior Music to the APO EOTC Mixed Volleyball Seniors |
Wednesday 29 May | Boys and Girls Mid Week Football Hearing and Vision Testing Y7 & Y8 TKO (Lance) |
Thursday 30 May | Girls North Harbour Basketball Helping Paws Volunteering |
Friday 31 May | Rural Designs Visit South Zone Basketball |
New Principal Appointment: The Otamatea High School Board is pleased to announce that they have appointed a new principal. Mr Todd Malcolm, currently Deputy Principal at Waiuku College, will start his new position at Otamatea High School at the beginning of term 3. The board were fully prepared to re-advertise this position if they did not feel there were any suitable candidates, but were very impressed with Mr Malcolm's application and the strengths he will bring to this crucial role. It is reassuring for me as current principal to know that the school will be in safe hands when I depart at the end of this term.
CCTV cameras: This week we have been replacing and upgrading all of our CCTV cameras. Our previous camera system was out of date, and with our growing school, not fit for purpose. Our main reasons for using camera surveillance is to deter and identify anyone entering the school grounds illegally, and to identify anyone engaging in criminal activity, misconduct, or behaviour risking harm to health and safety. We have a comprehensive Camera Surveillance Policy (all our policies can be accessed through the school website) that complies with the Privacy Act 2020. Only key staff members have access to the CCTV footage, and camera surveillance is not used to routinely monitor students (or staff). Camera footage is only viewed if there are reasonable grounds to do so. We do have some internal cameras such as in the computer rooms (due to the high value of equipment in these rooms), the cafe (to view the till), the workshops (as there are strict safety regulations that need to be adhered to in these rooms), and in the common, shared area in front of the new K-block toilets (to deter vaping). Please contact the principal if you have any questions about our CCTV system.
School Ball: The senior school ball will be held in the school hall on Saturday the 14th of September. The theme for the ball is "A Starry Night in Italy". Year 13s will be able to bring outside partners, and year 12s and 13s will be given priority to purchase tickets before these become available to year 11s. These restrictions are necessary because of the increased number of students we now have in the senior school.
A reminder that school will close at 12.30pm on Thursday the 23rd May for a PPTA union meeting. Buses will be running at this time.
To acknowledge and celebrate our amazing support staff at Otamatea High School, we held a lunch to show them how much we love them!
They keep our school ticking and help behind the scenes to make school events and activities wonderful.
Support Staff are awesome!!
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Thank you to all the parents and caregivers who attended our Parent Teacher Interview event on Wednesday 15th May. It was wonderful to see so many whanau come along.
At anytime you can always find your childs teacher - you can find their email here
We also had at our parent-teacher event lovely librarian's from the Kaipara Libraries. They had all the information on the resources and libraries available in the Kaipara. Students and their whanau could sign up for a Kaipara Library card.
From the beginning of term 2, until the end of the year, Mrs Antunovich will be meeting with every Year 9 core class, to deliver KiVa - bullying prevention program.
She will be covering 4 themes throughout the year - these are; - Peer pressure
- The group dynamic
- What are emotional skills
- Consequences of bullying
Here is the parents' guide however you can always check
Last week our Year 9 dean, Robyn Baker, organised a 'Learning to Learn' session for our Year 9 students. This began with a free sausage sizzle. Then the students moved into the hall where Patrick Sheratt from Innervate shared his tips and tricks for learning new material and revising previous learning. It was a very interactive and varied presentation and included a popular segment where the students learnt how to juggle.
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Friday was pink shirt day mufti day. It was fantastic to see so many students wearing pink in support of bullying prevention. All the money raised goes to the Metal Health Foundation of New Zealand to reduce bullying; through raising awareness about bullying prevention, funding education workshops, and supplying thousands of free resources that promote inclusive workplaces, schools, and communities.
Pink shirt day is celebrated annually around the globe, it began in Canada in 2007 when two students took a stand against homophobic bullying after a new student was harassed for wearing pink.
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I was born in Scotland in the United Kingdom and met my Kiwi husband in 2017. |
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We are beginning the process of identifying students who will be entitled to special assessment conditions for NCEA this year and looking to 2025.
For us to determine if they meet the criteria for an application for NZQA for special assessment conditions, such as reader/writer or use of a computer, our resource Teacher of learning and Behavior, Mr Eric Hansen will be assisting me with the assessment of the students.
We already have 65 Yr 11 - 13 students registered with NZQA who qualify for SAC's. So if your son or daughter is already on the list, they have rolled over and still qualify.
Should you have any questions or concerns about this you are welcome to contact me at school.
Enabling Students to achieve their potential
Paddy Hallissey
Learning Support Manager
Last Thursday the e-sports team had their first game. Suspense was tangible while they waited for the game to start. Once in, they had a challenging time as a few of the students has not played Volorant before. But they got the hang of it and gained more confidence as they settled into a rhythm.
The game was against MMCV – Te Kopuku High and they lost 13 – 5 in the end. They felt it wasn’t too bad as some other teams lost 13-0 and 13-1. The photos show them waiting for the game to start and then hard at play. The games are played after school and their match was streamed out.
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Shontelle Phillips using a hand trimmer to round edges of her project in L2 Construction
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Y8 Science students are continuing their study of electricity by making simple electric motors using a battery, a magnet, and a piece of copper wire.
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Boys football
8th May, Otamatea played Bream Bay. Otamatea won 5-2
15th May, Otamatea played Tauraroa . Otamatea won 6-3
Girls Football
8th May, Otamatea played Rodney College. Rodney won 4 - 0
15th May, Otamatea played Bream Bay. Otamatea won 7 - 0
Girls Basketball playing in the Harbour basketball under 17/19 combined girls competition
Thursday 2nd May, Otamatea played Westlake Girls Open A team. Otamatea won 64 - 41
Thursday 9th May, Otamatea played Westlake Girls under 17 team. Otamatea won 63 - 15
Hockey Mixed combined team with Dargaville
Monday 6th May, Otamatea/Dargaville played Bream Bay girls. Otamatea/Dargaville drew 2-2 with Bream Bay girls.
Monday 13th May, Otamatea/Dargaville played Huanui 2nd X1. Otamatea/Dargaville won 5-2.
Clay Target Shooting
Congratulations to Connor Alcock who placed 3rd in the points score section on the day.
10th April - Congratulations to James Ford who placed 3rd in the under 14 boys competition and Alicia Moir who placed 2nd in the under 18 girls.
15th May - Congratulations to James Ford who placed 3rd in the under 14 boys competition.
Turbo Touch year 7 and 8
On Tuesday 14th May 19 students travelled to McKay Stadium in Whangarei to compete in the turbo touch festival. All students thoroughly enjoyed the day.
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The Level 3 Physical Education Class went surfing on Monday. This was the final trip (out of three) where the students learnt about outdoor safety. The waves were in perfect condition for beginners and the students had a wonderful experience. A big thanks to Teresa and Mr Cooling for supporting the class.
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Table Tennis at PaparoaKids / Teens coaching starts again next Tuesday 30th April, 5.30 - 6.30pm at Paparoa Sports Pavilion. Ages 7 and up.
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