Te Pānui o Otamatea

School Notices 3 May 2024

Calendar of Events


Sunday 28 April - Sunday 5 May  EOTC DOE Gold Routeburn
Monday 6 May

Monday 6 May - Friday 10 May
EOTC L3PHED Surf Trip Waipu
EOTC Collegiate Hockey
Inter Iwi Unihoc
Tuesday 7 May EOTC RYDA Road Safety
Wednesday 8 May

EOTC Boys and Girls Mid Week Football
EOTC Y12/13 Construction and Engineering Brynderwyn site
EOTC Clay Target Shooting
TKO (Lance)

Thursday 9 May EOTC Girls North Harbour Basketball
Squash Individuals
Friday 10 May EOTC South Zone Basketball
Monday 13 May  EOTC L3PHED Surf Trip Waipu
EOTC Collegiate Hockey
Tuesday 14 May   

Wednesday 15 May - Friday 17 May

Wednesday 15 May 

EOTC Alt Ed Camping, cooking, hiking

TKO (Lance)
EOTC Boys & Girls Mid Week Football
EOTC Rippa Y7 & 8
Parent / Teacher interviews - school closes 12.30pm
Board of Trustees Meeting 6pm
Thursday 16 May EOTC Girls North Harbour Basketball
Friday 17 May  EOTC South Zone Basketball

View our full School Calendar here


From the Senior Leadership Team

Last Thursday a number of staff and prefects attended the four local ANZAC day services - at Maungaturoto, Waipu, Matakohe and Hakaru. Our prefects were excellent ambassadors for our school and dressed in their full prefect's uniform, presented wreaths to honour not only those who fought and died in Gallipoli, but in other wars across the globe. At assembly on Wednesday, students heard of the importance of ANZAC day, and the ANZAC spirit of courage, determination, and mateship. Lest we forget.

It was disappointing to hear that the Brynderwyns will be closed for longer than planned due to the recent slip. I would like to thank all of those in our community who are travelling to and from school via one of the alternative routes, and especially our Waipu bus students, for their patience as this important work is completed. You can read the article about the delay, and watch the video here.

Please note that on Thursday the 23rd of May, school will be finishing at 12.30pm for a paid PPTA union meeting. These meetings are happening nationwide and Otamatea High School is hosting this meeting for a number of our neighbouring high schools.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Our parent teacher interviews are coming up on Wednesday 15th May, starting at 1pm. I strongly recommend that all caregivers come along to meet their student's teachers, learn about what they are doing in class and discuss any concerns they might have. I believe it is important that our children know that we are in touch with their teachers and where possible, are on the same team when it comes to their education.  You are welcome to bring your child along to these meetings, but it is not compulsory to do so.  
Instructions for booking interviews have been emailed to parents and also feature later in this pānui.

No phones at school

From Monday this week, our school has followed the nationwide regulation around phones not being used at all by any student, during class time, and at all breaktimes. Well done to all the students who have been following these rules.  

Golden Kauri

This term we have re-introduced the paper Golden Kauri ticket.

The Golden Kauri is a system we use to recognise and reward positive student behaviour at school.  This term we have reintroduced the paper golden Kauri tickets.  Students that are awarded a Golden Kauri have consistently demonstrated the schools ‘WAKA’ values, Whanaungatana (positive relationships and working together), Ako, (learning) Kaitiakitanga (taking care of our environment) and Aroha (care and respect).

Each week all students that have been awarded a Golden Kauri go into the draw for a canteen Voucher.  At the end of the year the top 40 students (students with the most golden Kauris) from Year 7,8,9 and 10 celebrate their success with a trip to Rainbows end.  The Student council and Prefects are currently coming up with a suitable reward for the top Year 11,12 and 13 students.

The new Golden Kauri ticket was designed by our Head Boy Zander Groenewald.



School news

Green to Gold Northland Field days Trip

The field days were held on the 1st of March at Dargaville. The Year 10 Green to Gold class attended for their educational purposes. There were many stalls with people from all across the North Island displaying and selling their products. It was educational and fun, the things you could learn at the field days vary from glass houses and spa pools to the massive dairy trucks and lawn mowers. I cannot even estimate the number of tractors and other farm vehicles that were there. They also had things like bouncy castles, go karts, spinning chair rides, a water slide, and a petting zoo. The food was amazing as far as I am aware and there were so many different kinds of food. Overall the field days was a great experience and I recommend everyone to go next year. I cannot wait for the massive field days in June at Mystery Creek, Hamilton.  

Anonymous Student.


10 Green to Gold class making ice cream

Ingredients: 100ml milk, 200ml cream, 4 handfuls ice, 6 Tbl salt,  2 Tbl sugar, chocolate sauce. 
Method: put the  milk, cream and sugar into a bag. Put another bag over the bag with milk, cream and sugar.
Then put 4 handfuls of ice into another bag along with 6 Tbl of salt. Shake until all ice has melted then eat.


Star Wars

(Not) a long time ago, in a (library)
(not) far, far away
It is a period of celebration.
Light sabres, wielded by
students, have marked.
the day known as
May The Fourth.

For a movie that was an idea in the early 1970’s, over 50 years later Star Wars is still a very popular series. Whether you prefer the older classics of the ‘New Hope’ or the
newer Disney ‘Mandalorian’ Series, there has been much discussion and sharing this week.
Thanks to the National Libraries who bolstered up our collection, graphics, non-fiction, and a variety of fiction books about Star Wars have been issued this week.
Wednesday, we had the monthly Books and Biscuits with a Star Wars theme, lightsabre wars on Thursday and Friday a movie about Boba Fett.
Students and staff have all enjoyed this week, and Star Wars (even if you prefer Star Trek – ‘Live long and Prosper’) is a great connector.
Monday, we will finish up the week with a ‘Return of the Sith’ day.

School Social - Thursday 9th May

Parent Teacher Interviews – Wednesday 15th May starting 1pm

All parents are encouraged to attend.

The online booking app opens at 10am Tuesday 30th April and closes at 12pm on Tuesday 14th May.
To book appointments parents/caregivers should log on to: www.schoolinterviews.co.nz the event code is ypvz6.
Those families who do not have internet access, are encouraged to ring the school office and we will make the bookings for you.

Buses will run at 12.30pm on Wednesday 15th May

 Community Notices

Table Tennis at Paparoa

Kids / Teens coaching starts again next Tuesday 30th April, 5.30 - 6.30pm at Paparoa Sports Pavilion. Ages 7 and up.
Bats, balls, tables and coaching all provided and all FREE.
Contact Pete - 021 0567 163