School Notices 17 June 2022
Calendar of Events |
Sat 18 - Sun 19 June |
EOTC DoE Bronze to Pinnacles 6am Saturday - 5pm Sunday |
Monday 20 June |
Collegiate hockey at Whangarei 3.30pm |
Tuesday 21 June |
Matoma cup netball at OHS 2pm |
Wednesday 22 June | EOTC Mid week football Boys and Girls Year 7 & 8 Matariki celebration Period 1 and 2 in the school hall |
Thursday 23 June | Staff Only Day EOTC Year 9-13 table tennis at Kensington 8.30am - 4.30pm |
Friday 24 June | Matariki observed holiday - school closed | |
Monday 27 June |
Collegiate hockey at Whangarei 3.30pm |
Tuesday 28 June | Inter-iwi basketball Defensive driving course at OHS for Year 12 and 13 Period 2 and Period 3 EOTC Year 7-13 Northland Cross Country at Barge Park 8.30am - 4pm |
Wednesday 29 June |
Inter-iwi basketball |
Thursday 30 June |
Inter-iwi basketball |
Friday 1 July |
Inter-iwi basketball |
Year 9 and 10 Arts students visited Spark Arena on Thursday to view the Inside Dali exhibition
Enrolment Scheme: A reminder that the Ministry of Education (MOE) is currently working with the Board of Otamatea High School to implement a new enrolment scheme, to be put in place for 2023 student enrolments. This has become necessary due to the rapid roll growth we are currently experiencing. Enrolment schemes are needed to help manage the risk of overcrowding at schools. It will mean that only students living in the defined 'home zone' will have an automatic entitlement to enrol at Otamatea High School. A clear and transparent process is then followed for any additional out of zone enrolments. Before a home zone is implemented, the MOE is undertaking a consultation process with our communities. Please click on this link to have your say on the proposed establishment of this new enrolment scheme. Consultation closes today, the 17th June.
GRIP: On Thursday Mrs Cotching took all the prefects to the GRIP (Generosity, Responsibility, Integrity, People) student leadership conference in Auckland. It was a very entertaining day and our students learned what leadership was about and how they can become better leaders themselves. Some of the ideas they came away with were: How to involve more students in school events e.g. inter-iwi competitions, and how to improve the effectiveness of something already important at school e.g. Open Day. I am looking forward to seeing our prefects put what they've learned into action over the coming months.
Academic Mentoring: Thank you to all those parents/caregivers who attended our 20 minute parent/student/teacher academic mentoring meetings earlier this term. These proved to be very valuable in helping understand your child's NCEA progress and as well as progress towards meeting their goals for the year. We have now completed the prize draw for those families who completed the feedback forms. Congratulations to Angela Denton and Rikki Beazley for winning the parent and student prizes respectively.
Staff Only Day: Please make a note in your diaries that Thursday 23rd June is a staff only day. This is the day before the new Matariki public holiday on the 24th June.
Attendance: I am pleased to see that our attendance rates are rising towards the 80% mark, after so many students were away sick last week. There are still large numbers away, however, so it is important that students make the effort to catch up on missed school work upon their return to school. 90% is the minimum average attendance target we aim for, and many of our seniors in particular are well short of this mark. The Matariki long weekend is an opportunity to get back on track with their studies for those who are behind. Students and staff are encouraged to continue wearing masks when at school. Remember all students 12 years and over need to continue wearing masks when travelling on the school buses.
Cross Country: Well done to all students who participated in our annual school cross country event on Wednesday over the road at the Maungaturoto Country Club course. The weather certainly looked promising in the morning, but the heavens soon opened, giving our students the added challenge of negotiating mud and puddles as they ran. Congratulations to all our winners.
Open Day: Our annual Open Day is coming up quickly next term - the 11th August. We are starting to promote this day to our feeder schools so please mark this date in your calendars if you have children intending on coming to Otamatea High School next year. Open Day is a fun, interactive day that showcases many of the exciting subjects that we offer here, and is very popular with our visiting primary school students.
Duke of Edinburgh: Last Saturday Robyn Bruce attended the latest DOE gold award ceremony in Auckland. A huge congratulations to our Otamatea High School students, past and present - Cassidy Allen, Summer Ford, Cody Brunt, Kieran Fergus, Natalia Orchard, Billie Le Mesurier-Cowbourne and Fiona Howard who were presented their Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Hillary Award Certificate from Sarah Hillary, daughter of Sir Edmund Hillary at a formal ceremony held at the Raye Freedman Arts Centre at Epsom Girls' Grammar School.The Governor- General, Her excellency The Rt Hon Dame Cindy Kiro spoke at the Award Ceremony and met the recipients afterwards. The students were supported by their very proud parents, Robyn, and Ken Hames. The Award Ceremony marks the end of a five year journey through the bronze, silver and gold levels. Robyn does an amazing job with these students and it is always incredible to see just how many of the national gold award recipients are from our relatively small school.
Ngā mihi
Dirk Smyth
Part-time Head Cleaner required for 20 hours per week. Must be physically fit, a team player as they will be responsible for the daily supervision of a small team, ensuring work is completed to a high standard. A reasonable level of computer literacy is required to organise stock control of cleaning products, implement cleaning schedules and respond to cleaning requests. Ideally be available to cover for other team members when required. This is a permanent role and dependent on a clear Police check.
Application process: Apply in writing (CV and completed support staff application form to by 4pm, Friday 24th June 2022.
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Sports NewsHockey No hockey again this week due to a bye in the draw. Basketball 3X3 senior tournament Two boys teams and one girls teams competed at the Northland festival tournament on Tuesday. All teams had a great day with the girls placing 5th. Football Boys The boys played a very tightly fought game against Rodney College at home with Rodney winning 3-2. The football now moves into round 2 which is the start of the playoffs. The boys sit in 2nd place for the South Zone and will play Kaitaia who are 3rd seeds from the North Zone. Football Girls The girls travelled to Kamo High School this week. Another tough battle with Kamo winning 3-1. The girls sit 3rd in the pool and will now play 6th seeds Bay of Islands College in the first round of playoffs. Kaipara Basketball Intermediate results from the last 2 weeks. It is great to see the students' skills improving every week. a huge thanks must go the Kaipara Basketball for running this weekly tournament. Table Tennis Year 7 and 8 - Seven students travelled to Whangarei to play in the Intermediate Festival. All the students thoroughly enjoyed the day and came away with more knowledge about the game. School Cross Country Congratulations to all the students who participated in the cross country on Wednesday. The inter-iwi competition was won by Whatua Tina Holst, Sports Co-ordinator |
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USED BOOK FAIR! Hundreds of books – fill a shopping bag in return for a gold coin koha! Maungaturoto Public Library needs to make space for new books, so all these must go. Great selection of fiction and non-fiction – there are bargains here for everyone! The USED BOOK FAIR is being held during the next school holidays, from Wednesday 13th July to Saturday 16th July inclusive from 10am – 1pm. Location: Footprint room behind Holy Trinity Anglican Church at 132 Hurndall Street East. (Look out for the roadside banner.) |
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