School Notices 26 March 2022
Calendar of Events |
Wednesday 30 March |
OHS Triathlon |
Thursday 31 March |
EOTC Year 9-13 Tennis at Kamo 8am - 4.30pm |
Friday 1 April |
EOTC SPLD to Paintball at Heads Up Adventures Whangarei |
Monday 4 April |
EOTC L1HLTH to Escape Room in Takapuna 8.30am - 3.30pm |
Tuesday 5 April |
EOTC Senior boys Volleyball to McKay Stadium 8am - 4.30pm |
Wednesday 6 April |
Board of Trustees meeting 6pm |
Thursday 7 April |
EOTC Equestrian to Kaikohe 6am - 5pm |
Friday 8 April |
OHS Relay for Life at school |
Friday 8 - Sunday 10 |
EOTC DoE Bronze training at Tangihua Lodge |
View our full School Calendar here |
COVID: I am pleased to see that our total number of active cases has been coming down this week. We currently have 54 students and staff isolating at home and I expect this number to continue to decline over the coming weeks. Please note that if you are a household contact of a positive case them you must follow the following steps:
Self-isolate from the day that the first person in your household receives their positive test result, until they complete their 7 days of self-isolation and are released.
When the first case in your house gets to days 3 and 7 of their isolation, you need to get tested using a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT).
If symptoms develop at any stage, you need to get tested using a RAT.
Avoid or minimise contact with the person with COVID-19 as much as possible during your isolation period.
You can end your self-isolation on the same day as the first ‘case’ in the household, provided you have no new or worsening symptoms and your tests were negative.
Your isolation does not restart if additional members of your household are identified as cases during the first case’s isolation period.
After the initial isolation period ends there is a 10-day window during which no Household Contacts of the original case can be re-classified as Household Contacts. You only need to begin isolation again during these 10 days if you test positive yourself.
10 days after the original isolation period ends the usual rules apply. If a new household member (not the original case) tests positive, they and all other Household Contacts (who have not yet become cases themselves) must isolate for 7 days
From next week visitors to school will no longer be expected to scan in using the COVID QR scanner, and from the 5th April the vaccine mandate for the education sector will no longer apply. This is welcome news and means all staff, volunteers and coaches etc who work with our students will no longer be asked to provide evidence of their vaccination status. Mask wearing when indoors is still required so please remind your children to continue wearing their masks when on the school buses, and when indoors at school.
DOE and Kapa Haka cancelled: Due to heightened volcanic unrest at Ruapehu the gold Duke of Edinburgh trip planned for this weekend has, for safety reasons, been cancelled. The planned kapa haka noho scheduled for this weekend has also been cancelled with COVID still so prevalent in our communities.
Staff Only Day: On Wednesday staff had their first staff only day of the year, and this was a very productive day. Teachers worked on developing the school's Quality Practice Template, an important document that creates an aspirational interpretation of the Standards for the Teaching Profession, setting the bar high for what is expected of teachers at Otamatea High School in meeting these standards. Teachers also contributed to the development of the school's strategic plan, which sets the direction of the school for the next three years. Departments also spent time on developing curriculum units and resources.
Fitness Centre: From the 5th April, fitness centre members will no longer be required to have a vaccine pass when signing up. Anyone wishing to join our well resourced fitness centre should contact Kay at for further information.
Relay for Life: Our year 13s and prefects have been working hard recently in getting their fundraising initiatives for Relay for Life off the ground. All funds raised go to the Cancer Society, so please support our students who may approach you for a donation towards this worthy cause. With the Relay for Life event in Whangarei having been cancelled this year, our students are planning our own fun-filled Relay for Life day here at school on Friday the 8th April. It has been great seeing our student leaders step up and take the initiative in coming up with this idea themselves.
OHS Food Bank: From its humble beginnings last year when we went into lockdown, the OHS Food Bank continues to grow and attract new sponsors. A huge thank you to the amazing Taira Phillips, our Kaiawhina, who manages the Food Bank, attracts new sponsors, and sources and packages the grocery items so as to provide much needed parcels for whānau and families who are finding it tough to make ends meet at the moment. Ka pai!
Ngā mihi
Dirk Smyth
Photo Orders - important notice
Each student in the school has been provided a personalised sheet with codes for ordering class photos and individual photos online, directly from Photolife, the company who take our photos.
These notices were given out at whānau time on Friday morning. Please check with your child if they have not given these to you. If your child/ren were not at school on Friday 18th March they can collect it from their whanau teacher.
Year 7 & 8 Syndicate boardgames / cards club |
Otamatea High School is once again running the William Pike Challenge award for 2022.
The William Pike Challenge Award is a youth development programme (Year 7 & 8) that develops youths' 21st century skills in preparation for tomorrow's world. The programme is run throughout the year and there are three components to the programme. These are Outdoor Activities (there are 5 throughout the year and mainly done on weekends), 20 hours passion projects and 20 hours community service - all done out of school, in students' own time.
Think of the William Pike Challenge as an exciting Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC), project based and service learning programme wrapped into one!
For more information on this fantastic programme, for Year 7 & 8 students, and how to register please view our website.
NB: For students to be involved, they need to apply (application forms will be available from Mrs Nyree Antunovich during intervals and lunchtime up until next week. Mrs Antunovich is meeting with all students interested on Thursday lunchtime. She will show students a short presentation about the programme and require students to return the application forms by the end of next week. We will be starting the programme at the beginning of Term 2. You are more than welcome to email Mrs Antunovich on if you have any specific questions regarding the Challenge or require further information.
We do understand with lots of students away isolating that they may not be able to attend this meeting on Thursday. Please get in touch if your child can not attend the meeting however would like to be included. They can complete the application form by emailing their answers directly to
Drum Tutor Required
We require an itinerant music teacher to teach drums. The successful applicant will also need to be willing to work with students who have a range of capabilities.
Hours for this position are approximately 5 hours, one day a week, either Monday or Friday.
Applicants must be fully vaccinated (if starting before 5th April) to comply with current regulations. After April 5 this does not apply.
Interviews may be held prior to applications closing, so please apply now.
Please send your completed application form, CV and cover letter to:
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