School Notices 13 July, 2023
Calendar of Events |
Monday 17 July | First day Term 3 EOTC Year 9 -13 11 a-side hockey |
Tuesday 18 July | OHS PTCA AGM Tuesday 18 July, 7.00pm Te Whare o Rongo (Student Centre) or online via Google Meet: All welcome |
Thursday 20 July | EOTC L2PRIM Pest Control Course at Kai Iwi Lakes EOTC Matoma Cup Netball 2.30pm - 6.30pm |
Monday 24 July | Bartending Course 1 at Maungaturoto Country Club EOTC Year 9 -13 11 a-side hockey |
Tuesday 25 July | Bartending Course 2 at Maungaturoto Country Club EOTC Senior champs boys basketball at Whangarei 8.15am - 4.30pm |
Wednesday 26 July | EOTC Clay target shooting at Dargaville 8am - 4pm Parent Teacher Interviews from 1pm Classes finish at 12.30pm - buses will run at this time Full Board of Trustees meeting in the school library at 6pm |
Thursday 27 July | Defensive driving course theory at OHS 3.30pm-5.30pm | |
It is hard to believe we are already at the start of term 3. We finished last term with our annual inter-iwi haka and waiata competition in the school gym, and the performances were outstanding. Well done to Whātua for taking first place this year, and thank you to whaea Mina and whaea Mata for being our judges this year. Over the holidays we had our school ball in the hall. The theme was Enchanted Forest and the decorations were amazing. The photo booth was very popular and our school band The Rubber Bands played a fantastic set. Our students conducted themselves very well and it was wonderful to see the effort they went to getting dressed up for the evening. A huge thank you to Ms Meachin for organising this event.
This term we welcome three new permanent teachers to our team: Evelyn Rippon and Tom Clarkson join our English department, and Jonathan Thorns joins our science department teaching junior science. We also welcome Tom de Haan who will be teaching PE and Health to our juniors. Tom is a fixed term appointment covering for Ms Croskery who is on maternity leave. We also welcome Sarah Bearne and Quentin Clough back to our science department for term 3 who are kindly covering these classes until our new overseas appointment arrives in term 4.
We now have six extra classrooms, which is a welcome relief given how rapidly our school role has increased over the past two years. These new classrooms will be known as G-block; two will be year 7/8 syndicate classrooms and the remaining four will be senior English classrooms. The Ministry of Education is currently arranging for another six classrooms to be on site from October this year, ready for 2024. Our year 13s will be very pleased to have their study room available to them this term.
Term 3 is a busy term, with parent teacher interviews on Wednesday the 26th July. With so many students away from school due to sickness at the end of last term, this is an important opportunity to touch base with your child's teachers and ensure your child is on track to succeed this year. This is especially important for seniors who will have their practice examinations at the end of term. Open Day is on the 10th August this year and it promises to be bigger than ever, with our roll expected to increase to well over 700 students next year. A reminder that although we do have an enrolment zone, we will likely have some places next year for out of home zone students in years 7, 12 and 13. Our enrolment evenings this term are on the 23rd August and the 6th of September.
We also host Reporoa College from Sunday the 13th to Tuesday the 15th of August. This will be the 59th year of this long running exchange and we look forward to another exciting few days of inter-school sports and debating.
A reminder that it is illegal to vape (or smoke) at school or on the school buses. We take a very strict approach to students who breach this law, which could result in stand-downs and suspensions for repeat offenders. Please ensure that your child is not bringing vaping devices to school. Students found vaping on the bus will, at minimum, be banned from riding on the bus, and will have to find alternative ways of getting to school each day. For more information on vaping, please see this link
Mid-year progress reports were emailed out at the end of term. If you have not received a copy for each of your children please contact our school office. The booking system for parent interviews is now open. A separate email with details about booking interviews was sent last week. Instructions are also included later in this newsletter. We encourage you to meet with your student's subject teachers and if you have pastoral concerns about your child it may be beneficial to book an appointment with their dean or whānau teacher as well.
Sports Term 3 and 4
All students have been sent an email from Tina Holst to their school email address. This email has the registration form for sports in term 3 and training's leading up to sports in term 4. Please ensure your child opens their school email and completes this form by the end of week 1 of term 3 if they wish to be given further information for any of these sports.
Magical moments at the Year 7 Poetry Cafe
During term 2, Year 7 students have been studying poetry techniques and styles. They have been writing poems about themselves, their likes and dislikes, their whanau and their favourite things!
To celebrate their learning, we held a poetry cafe in A block on Monday 26th June to invited whanau to join in. Students were able to show their family their homeroom classes, and listen to them recite their poetry.
Thank you to the wonderful Year 7 students who displayed the W.A.K.A values and to the Year7 homeroom teachers for supporting and celebrating the learning of the students.
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Year 8 Producers and Consumers Product Showcase
Year 8 students shine! On Tuesday 27th June, the Year 8 product showcase was held in the school hall and what an event! During the term, Year 8 students have been learning about the rights and responsibilities of producers and consumers, together with product requirements, packaging, and advertising. In groups or individually students worked on their products towards the end of term 2 and a product showcase was held to celebrate their learning.
Winners will be announced at the next assembly, with prizes for Overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd together with Innovation and Presentation Prizes.
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Parent Teacher Interviews – Wednesday 26th July starting 1pmAll parents are encouraged to attend. Classes finish at 12.30pm and buses will run at this time.