School Notices 1 September, 2023
Calendar of Events |
Friday 1 September - Monday 4 September | EOTC AIMS basketball team to Tauranga tournament | |
Saturday 2 September | EOTC Tournament of Minds Team to Diocesan School for Girls EOTC Drama group to Dargaville Wearable Arts |
Sunday 3 September - Friday 8 September | EOTC AIMS netball team to Tauranga tournament | |
Monday 4 September | Inter-iwi chess competition EOTC Yr 9 - 13 11 a-side Hockey |
Tuesday 5 September | Inter-iwi chess competition OLLA PODRIGA 7pm in the school hall Year 9 Rural Health Careers actitivies in the library |
Wednesday 6 September | Inter-iwi chess competition Options afternoon - parents welcome from 1.30pm - 2.30pm and from 4.10pm - 4.50pm |
Thursday 7 September | EOTC Yr 9 - 13 Badminton at Northland Badminton Centre Business studies Market day at school |
Friday 8 September | Inter-iwi chess competition | |
Monday 11 September - Tuesday 12 September | L3HOSP to MIT in Auckland | |
Monday 11 September | Inter-iwi Rippa Rugby Senior Gateway students to Tara Iti EOTC Yr 9 - 13 11 a-side Hockey |
Tuesday 12 September | Inter-iwi Rippa Rugby | |
Wednesday 13 September | Inter-iwi Rippa Rugby EOTC U16 Boy's Rugby game after school |
Thursday 14 September | Inter-iwi Rippa Rugby Election day for 2024 Student Trustee Board of Trustees VA-8 and VA-10 assessments (Yr 8 and Yr 10) |
Friday 15 September | Inter-iwi Rippa Rugby VA-8 and VA-10 assessments (Yr 8 and Yr 10) Media Studies Film Festival 5pm - 7pm 2024 Prefect nominations close |
Sunday 17 September | EOTC L2PHED NorthCloud run at Whangarei Basin | |
View our full School Calendar here |
Congratulations to our senior netball team who have finished in the top four in their grade at the UNISS tournament in Hamilton. Otamatea were seeded 13 so this is an outstanding result which will see them promoted to the B grade next year. Our boys basketball team are currently playing their tournament in Palmerston North and at the time of writing had won two from four, losing only to two of the top school teams in the country, as they continue to impress on the court. All the best to our two junior AIMS teams who head off to Tauranga for their basketball and netball tournaments this coming week. Hopefully they can emulate the success of the senior teams.
A huge congratulations to Denika Clooney who finished first overall in the Bay of Islands Beast Secondary Schools challenge last Friday, with a winning time of 28 minutes 43 seconds. The event is a 6km off-road, cross-country course filled with steep hills, treacherous terrain, and mud pits that push competitors to the limit. Well done to the nearly 80 students from Otamatea High School who participated - an outstanding effort. Well done also to our clay target shooting team of Aaron Harrison, Aaron Westlake, Kellan Antunovich, Connor Alcock and Matai Hartles who won the Open Teams Trophy at the Northland Championships event last Saturday. Aaron Harrison and Aaron Westlake were also the skeet pairs trophy winners.
Please support our amazing talent show, Olla Podriga, which is on Tuesday night here at school in the hall. This is one of the most popular evenings on our calendar and our students have been putting in many hours of practice getting ready for their performances. Students can also support Market Day on Thursday where senior students will be selling all sorts of delicious treats and other items in the hall as part of their business studies course.
Nominations for 2024 prefect positions are now open, and close on Friday the 15th September. Students can collect their nomination forms from the main office. Shortlisted candidates for the head prefect positions will be filmed early next term answering questions on why students should vote for them, and these will be shown to all students during whānau time, before the whole school (and staff) vote. The only exception to this process is the selection of the student rep on the board of trustees. Voting for those nominated will be on Thursday the 14th September. All prefects will be announced at our senior prize-giving which is on Friday the 3rd November.
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Recently, students of 9S and 9H were randomly selected to represent New Zealand in an international study to identify global trends in mathematics and science. New Zealand has been participating in this study for 30 years now. Yesterday, the students completed 2 assessments in the hall and filled out a questionnaire. The maths and science teachers of these classes were also asked to complete a survey, as was our principal, Mr Smyth. |
Whānau of Y10-12 students should have received an email about our option choice process, including a link to the 2024 Course Directory. The first round of option sheets will go out this Wednesday, where students are asked to rank their options. Please remember that we are also hosting an Option afternoon in our hall this Wednesday 6th September, which caregivers of Y10-12 students are encouraged to attend. You are welcome to visit at any of the times listed below, but the after school slots will be much less busy. |
The MCAT assessment is coming up fast for those students who are sitting it and should be putting in lots of revision. For all other senior students exams are in week 10 and revision should be well under way. The maths tutorials are still being offered at the first interval on Tuesdays and Thursdays in D1 and are open to all students. The mathematics department will be running an inter-iwi competition for years 7-10 students in week 2 of term 4. If students are interested in taking part in this they should see their iwi captains. More information will be available early in term 4. |
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If you have any concerns or queries about your child’s learning you are advised to email their teachers directly. All our teachers' email addresses are on our website in the 'Our Staff' section.
A reminder that it is illegal to vape at school or on the school buses. We take a very strict approach to students who breach this law, which could result in stand-downs, or suspensions for repeat offenders. Many vapes contain nicotine, a highly addictive substance that can harm brain development in teenagers, affecting memory, attention, and the ability to learn. Students who vape are putting themselves at risk of lifelong serious health issues, including the long-lasting effect of exposing their developing brains to nicotine. Please ensure that your child is not bringing vaping devices to school. For more information on vaping, please see this link.
Mr Buksh will run after-school tutorials for Y11 students revising for the upcoming CAT (AS 91027) mathematics examination. The next session will be on Thursday, 7th September in B1 from 3.30-4.45 pm. Students from Mr Buksh and Mr Weston's L1MATA classes are encouraged to attend.
Examination Supervisors The 2023 NCEA examinations take place between Monday 6th November and November 30th.
Some of our examination sessions are very large and require extra supervisors. If you are interested in helping or would like to find out more information, please could you contact: Sarah Bearne: These are paid positions, training is provided. Police vetting is required.
We are currently seeking exam assistants - reader/writers for the upcoming end of year exams. Some of our students need support to show their best efforts during the end of year exams. If you are available during the school day in November, and have good basic literacy skills please contact the Learning Support Coordinator by email:, or contact the school office to leave a message with your details. Police vetting is required, training is provided and this is a paid role.
Term 4 sports events and training registrations open now. All students have been sent an email to their school email address with a google form included. This form needs to be completed if students wish to take part in term 4 sports.
Sporting Achievements Has your child succeeded in any sports this year? There are sporting nomination forms available at the HUB for students to complete to ensure sporting achievement recognition. These forms will also be used to select the end of year prize giving major awards/trophies.The form can be emailed to be completed. Please email
Round the Loop Race Our hugely popular annual race is on Friday 13th October. More details and how students can register can be found here.
Pet Day 2023
The date for Pet Day this year is Friday 13 October, Pet Day is open to all Otamatea High School students – you can rear and compete a Lamb, Calf or Chicken. For further information or to enter contact Pepe: Entries close last Friday of term 3.