Otamatea High School held their 2021 Senior ball on Friday 23rd July during the term 2 school holidays. The senior ball committee lead by Bella Moore and Sara Jansen with supervision and help from Mr George we were able to hold an amazing event for our seniors to enjoy, especially for our year 13s last ball. The ball committee also had some amazing support from Matua Wiremu, Taira Phillips, Huia Coll and many other staff and senior students.
We would like to send out a massive thanks to our community who supported our ball. A special big thanks to Kaiwaka Jacques 4 Square and The Three FurLongs Bar & Grill for sponsoring/donating amazing goods to go towards our snacks and prizes throughout the night.
Our ball closed with the announcement of the 2021 ball prize winners;
Our King and Queen this year went to Jaden Sheppard and Kylah Slack
Prince and Princess went to Maia Fairburn and River Kerehoma
Beau and Belle went to Devine Henderson and Reef Riri
Cutest Couple went to Tara Moyle and Leo Palmer
Best Dressed Female and Male went to Sara Jansen and Tawhetu Phillips
We would also like to say a big thank you to our ball committee for 2021, Brenda Ferguson, Tara Moyle, Mina Fairburn, Rangawairua Wikaira, Sara Jansen and Bella Moore. All these girls have put in a lot of work to make the night amazing for all our senior students without them we would not have had a 2021 Senior Ball.