To help students make good senior subject choices for 2022, an options information afternoon was held in the school hall on Tuesday. Visual displays were used to showcase the different subjects available. Year 10 to 12 students came through in groups to peruse the displays and talk with the heads of departments and other teachers about the possible options for their subject choices.
All of our year 10 students will continue to study English, maths and science in Year 11. However, there are a wide range of options to consider for their other three subjects. For example, technology branches into engineering, graphics, wood technology and hospitality. Social science divides into business studies, geography, history, and media studies. Another of our learning areas encompasses drama, music, visual art and te reo Māori. Also, students are often surprised to discover, health and physical education become two quite different subjects, both with university entrance opportunities. Y10 students who are interested in agriculture and horticulture can choose to join our primary industries trade academy and work towards a two year NZ Certificate in Primary Industries Level 2.
Year 11 students have more freedom of choice with NCEA Level 2 science branching off in physics, chemistry and biology. Other subjects which begin at this level include photography, tourism, construction and sports leadership. Whilst subjects are compulsory in Year 12, mathematics and English are highly recommended.
One stall at the event provided information on our Gateway programme, which bridges the gap between school and the workplace and provides students with regular work experience. Self-driven Pathways and Careers stalls completed the displays and informed students of the myriad of opportunities available to them, as well as the support we offer to help them make important life choices.
It was great to observe the buzz of excitement from the groups of students and see many in-depth conversations happening between staff and students. Over the next week the last of the option forms will come in and we will work to put together option lines for the students to make their final subject choices from in Term 4.