Otamatea High School offers students career education and career guidance.
Otamatea High School offers students career education and career guidance.
From year 7 to year 13 students are involved in activities during dedicated whānau times.
The number of activities increase as students get older and closer to leaving school.
A trip to the Careers Expo in Auckland is organised for all Year 10's and Year 12 and 13 students who are interested to go. Year 10's also take part in a Work Experience day in August.
Personal interviews and career guidance is also offered to all students, especially when choosing subjects and in year 12 and 13. Parents and caregivers can be involved in these.
To give every student the opportunity to develop skills, knowledge and attributes that expand and enhance their ability to manage their career and make informed learning decisions throughout their life. All students will have a career pathway to employment or further tertiary training before they leave school.
Students who would like advice about their careers, the best school subjects to choose to put them on the right track for their chosen career path and information about tertiary courses or on the job training, can make an appointment with the Career Adviser.
The careers office is at The Hub / Te Pokapū but you might also find me in C3 every interval. Or send me an email and I will contact you during whānau time.
For further information contact Mrs Elizabeth van den Berg at